And because of this, it is actually possible for people to learn about your specific personality type, traits, and characteristics based on your favorite type of alcoholic drink. RELATED: The Scientific Reason Drinking Alcohol Actually Makes You Better Looking

1. Margarita

You are most likely that girl who can eat and drink whatever she wants and not gain weight. Girl, I envy you. The margarita girl is the life of the party. You love tequila, yet you don’t want people to think you’re a mess for drinking it. Summer is your favorite season and you love how a strawberry margarita matches your pink outfit. You like things fruity, a bit on the wild side, and you can handle a brain freeze. Now, let’s hope you can handle your liquor or you might be upchucking that margarita in a few hours while crying on the bathroom floor about how you’re “never drinking again.”

2. Vodka Cranberry

Ah, the vodka cranberry girl. Everyone goes through a stage when they are a vodka cranberry girl. This type of girl is bubbly and fun. You are naive, sweet, and often taken advantage of because of it. You’re either new to drinking or just flat out like the buzz of alcohol but hate the taste. Your sister always told you a vodka cranberry is a safe drink that always equals a good time. You like to follow the crowd and keep up with the trends, but you don’t get too trendy. You may not have enough money to afford something fancy, and since this drink is often on special at the local watering hole, you gravitate toward it. This is a popular college drink since the mixer for it can often be found in your dining hall. Vodka cranberry girls rarely stay vodka cranberry girls forever, though. It’s a great starter drink that is dependable and will lead you to explore other drinks and adventures in due time.

3. Mojito

You probably went somewhere tropical when you were younger, like Mexico or the Caribbean, had your hair put into those tiny little braids, and have always wanted to go back. You like things that are fresh, clean, and obviously minty. You freak out if you get a crease in your freshly dry-cleaned Calvin Klein dress, and wish that you could be granted an unlimited shopping spree at Tommy Hilfiger. You don’t care that mint is not in season in the winter, or that this drink is difficult and taxing to make. You know how to escape from the ordinary and be transferred to another world when you drink this drink. You are probably from a rich family and like the way “mojito” sounds rolling off your tongue when you order it. You know what you want and you’re picky. You aren’t persuaded to order a simple drink just because of the long line behind you. You go, mojito girl!

4. White Wine

You are someone who wants and even needs to feel insanely classy. You don’t mess around with stains and you like consistency. No bartender can possibly mess up a glass of wine. It’s a very safe bet. You like how your favorite drink has options, too. You can pick a sweet wine, spicy wine, or dry wine. Much like wine, your personality has many sides. You have a sweet side, a wild side, and a mean girl side. You get offended when a bartender responds white or red after you order Sangria or Moscato. Wine girls (especially when they started young) often stay wine girls for a long time.

5. Red Wine

You are confident, strong, and dedicated. You’ve spilled your wine on yourself several times, and you are totally OK with that. In fact, you have given up wearing white around dinner time and had your gorgeous white couch covered in a deep red to accommodate for spillage. You have zero shame in carrying a wine glass around the bar and feel classy and elegant when you do. You don’t care if a bartender has to open a whole new bottle of wine for your glass. You think things get better with age, so you may be anything from a college smarty to a married professional with three children and a house in the suburbs.

6. Vodka Chasers

You either just started college or want to be in college again. Perhaps you remember times when you drank vodka out of water bottles and you want to relive the old, carefree days. You want so badly to be a badass vodka drinker, yet, you are falling short. You order a shot of vodka and a shot of some sort of juice to wash the vodka away. Seriously, save yourself the embarrassment of taking that shot of juice and just go get yourself a mixed drink. You’re not in college anymore. Suck it up, recognize that you’re getting older, and order yourself a mixed drink or ditch the shot of juice. You are so close to being a vodka drinker, yet you are unable to handle it. You are forever stuck in the middle space between sweet and sexy, funny and serious, and outgoing and shy.

7. Martini

Wow! Aren’t you fancy?! You either love the taste of gin or vodka, are an alcoholic trying to function in society, or are seriously trying to be on Gossip Girl 2.0. You look very fancy drinking this drink. It will set you apart from the beer drinkers at the bar — and even from the wine drinkers! You don’t mind paying $10 for a drink and those little olives at the bottom serve as an awesome snack come midnight. You want attention and are in a league of your own. People don’t approach you because they assume that you think you are too good for them or that they are inferior to you, and honestly, they may be right. You may have money, but you’ll probably end up lonely at the end of the night wondering why nobody is approaching you. RELATED: If You Drink This, You’re 83% More Likely To Get A Date

8. Domestic Beer

For real though, you are at a bar, not a picnic. Domestic beer girl is a football fan and one of the guys. You don’t care about your appearance, looking bloated, or burping. You like to play it safe and know that beer won’t get you too drunk. You are waiting for a guy to come over to you and say, “Hey, look! You’re drinking Natty Ice too? We must be soul mates!” …which is never going to happen. You are patriotic and probably drive either a Ford or a Chevy and are attracted to guys with guns and pickup trucks. Though beer is great, it has no place at a bar, especially if you are looking to take a guy home.

9. Rum/Whiskey and Coke

You are trying to disguise the taste of your alcohol, obviously. This is a drink people order when they’re younger because it’s so easy to quickly slip some rum or whiskey into that Coke at a family party. Of course, it’s possible you just love this classic. Everyone loves a good rum and Coke. Or, you may have no idea what you are doing, and it’s just a simple drink to remember. Jack and Coke is a classic drink that is universally known. Order this drink at a bar and you will give the impression of being safe, not a thrill-seeker, and overall easy-going (unless you drink, like, 10).

10. Gin and Tonic

You are a no-frills type of person. You are simple and have no drama. You hate fruity drinks and despise those girls who run around on Thursday nights with those blue shots that literally taste like juice. You don’t mind sticking with a classic and respected drink. You’re comfortable with that, and with your life. Boys will approach you because you seem like a stress-free type of person. You will probably get friend-zoned because you respect yourself and aren’t one to make impulsive decisions. RELATED: People Who Drink Are More Likely To Live Longer, Says Study You know what you want in life and are not distracted by prettier and more appealing alternatives. You are a dedicated and committed individual, with a plan that you will likely accomplish soon.

11. Jager Bombs/Vodka Red Bull

You are one of those unpredictable, wild girls. You are an absolute wild card and people appreciate you because you are often the one that gets things started. You have a ton of energy and like to be bouncing off the walls; a blast in a glass. You don’t care about the possible repercussions of mixing alcohol and caffeine, and quite enjoy the buzz that the combination gives you. You probably work a lot of hours and need the caffeine to stay up past your 10:30 p.m. weeknight bedtime. You tend to embarrass yourself and your friends from time to time, but you really don’t care. Everyone knows you are in the room the second you step in and remembers you because you did something crazy last week, like when you broke a barstool at that club across the street.

12. Long Island Iced Tea

Really? Do you really want a long island iced tea? Okay, well, chances are you are either a one-and-done kind of girl, you hate the taste of alcohol, you spend your summers in the Hamptons, or you want to test your limits with that guy who just offered to buy you whatever drink you want. You know what you want and you often get your way. If he brings you back a shot of Grey Goose instead, you will throw it in his face. You may be bossy and are probably used to ordering people around and having people follow you. You will likely become a boss or some sort of CEO if you aren’t one already. You don’t care that these drinks take forever to make or that there’s enough alcohol in them for 5 people. You’re going to get lit tonight and that’s that!

13. Grey Goose

Much like long island iced tea girl, you know what you want. You will not settle for any grade C vodka. And Smirnoff? Eww, no thanks! You either grew up wealthy or your friends were all wealthy, so you have expensive taste and know that not everyone can keep up with your lifestyle. You don’t care about paying $7 for a shot of vodka, as long as it goes down smooth and tastes divine. You probably are wearing a Michael Kors watch and a pair of designer sandals. You know your engagement ring will someday cost well over $7,000 and your wedding dress will be a Pnina Tornai custom design. You get your own way often and aren’t afraid to put people in their place. You are a bit judgmental and people kind of hate you, but everyone loves you at the same time.

15. Tequila Shots

This girl is the absolute life of the party, the epitome of a crazy party girl. You love being the center of attention and adore anything that will take the edge off. You don’t stop at one drink. You drink to get blackout drunk and make some memories that you’ll probably forget the next morning. You’ll probably be going home with a stranger who is hotter than he was 20 minutes ago when you gave him a fake number. Boys will buy you drinks and think they have a chance, but you probably just use them for the free shots. You are the girl that every guy in the bar wants to take home and only one will get to (well, maybe two if they’re lucky). A true tequila shot girl knows how to handle her booze and the morning after that inevitably follows. A fake tequila shot girl would just be upchucking in the bathroom ten minutes later. You do not need a sugary drink! You enjoy straight-to-the-point alcohol. You’re a sassy firecracker who knows how to have a good time. You may be compensating for insecurity, drinking, and going home with guys to distract yourself from what’s really bothering you … but you’re having fun nonetheless. You are the bartender’s best friend — a quick and easy order brings more people into the bar.

The Bottom Line

Love what you love and drink what you desire. Don’t just change your signature drink based on an article you read about what it could be saying about your personality! This is a light-hearted, fun analysis of what your signature drink may be saying about you. Some people drink tequila shots just because they like the taste and some people drink domestic beer because it’s cheap and easy to get on tap at the bar. Have fun and drink what you want to drink. Most importantly, always remember to stay safe and know your limits. RELATED: 20 Best Healthy Alcoholic Drinks That Are Low In Sugar & Calories Slutty Girl Problems aims to give you a daily stream of funny yet thought-provoking posts about sex, dating, relationships, feminism, and many more topics.  This article was originally published at Slutty Girl Problems. Reprinted with permission from the author.