Those planets that bring joyful periods are called benefic planets while the ones that often force us to acquire a sense of structure and order are malefic planets. We all have benefic and malefic planets in our natal chart. During a benefic transit, we tend to focus and prioritize ourselves and even overindulge. Practicing balance is important to get the best out of these planets.  On the other side of the coin, malefic planets can make us feel stressed, exhausted, and conflicted. Malefic transits are required to get us out of our comfort zone. They allow us to evolve, to become more patient, discerning, and detail-oriented. Although they could get a bad reputation, malefics are not that horrible if we focus on becoming more knowledgeable and self-improvement. These planets teach us how practicing patience gets us one step ahead. RELATED: How Your Zodiac Sign Changes Over Time (And How It Affects Your Life)

Benefic planets

Benefics can bring us periods of calm and relaxation when they transit. They can help us be more aligned and open to love and self-care. These are times when we treat ourselves, especially after mentally taxing transits. 


Venus, the planet of love, wants us to experience a little more excitement in our lives. Venus transits can bring romance, passion, and the desire for comfort. This transit can make us feel a lot more relaxed in the area of our chart it transits. Our natal Venus shows us which house makes us express love the best. It also teaches us about our relationship dynamics, especially if Venus is located in the 7th and 1st house. Taurus and Libra Sun, Moon, and Rising feel the power of Venus transits the most since this is their ruler. 


Jupiter in the natal chart shows us which house we desire to expand our philosophies and ideologies. It is also where we are spiritually connected. This planet rules the signs of Sagittarius and Pisces, both focused on spiritual growth. Natal Jupiter can gift the native with optimism assuming it is not aspected by a malefic planet. Depending on the area where it is located in a chart, the optimistic energy is activated during Jupiter’s returns. When Jupiter transits a house, the area it is moving in will make us revise or learn something new about ourselves, our ambitions, and our future.

Additional benefic planets

The Sun and Moon are wild cards, but they can have some good benefic qualities if they have positive aspects (conjunction, trine, or sextile) to either Venus or Jupiter. Mercury can also behave either way when in contact with a benefic or malefic. RELATED: What Is Retrograde In Astrology? How Each Rx Planet Affects You

Malefic planets

Malefic planets are the heavy hitters. Saturn is all about growth and restructuring. Mars teaches us where to be more fearless and to take control. Both planets contribute to our transformation and evolution. The outer planets, Pluto, Neptune, and Uranus are also in neutral territory, only causing havoc when they come in contact with Saturn or Mars. When they have strong aspects of Saturn and Mars, they can behave like Malefics.


Mars is quite the powerful malefic. The planet of war teaches us to be more like fighters and to seek victories. In the natal chart, Mars does not want us to be complacent, but to fight for what we want. Whatever house this planet transits will show us the area of our lives where we need to activate this energy. This planet rules Aries and Scorpio, which can make it easier for these signs to handle this energy compared to Libra and Taurus. Mars wants us to be more assertive in the house it rules or transits. Tools are provided to the native during a Mars transit in an angular house. We learn how to channel our passions and drive to build our dreams through hard work and focus.


When Saturn is in the natal chart it can cloud how we see ourselves and what we value. This planet rules Aquarius and Capricorn, so natives with these Sun, Moon, or Rising signs might be able to navigate Saturn transits a lot better compared to the rest of the signs. Saturn wants us to shape up and abandon the fear and anxiety we might experience in the area of our chart it rules. The lessons here are to be consistent, strike up a plan and stick to it. Being disciplined brings more manageable energy. Recklessly leaping before thinking can only expand the issues related to the house. Overall, Saturn will make us mature and teach us the value of hard work. After a Saturn transit, we can be more open to rediscovering ourselves and spark new passions for our future visions. RELATED: Outer Planets In Astrology: Effects & Zodiac Sign House Meanings A.T. Nunez is an Afro-Latina Astrologer and philosopher living in NYC. She is passionate about astrology and aims to continue writing more about stargazing in the future.