The last New Moon of the year will peak today in the early morning hours, bringing you a profound sense of depth and awareness over the past year. The year began on January 2 with a New Moon in Capricorn. Now, as you are ready to bid 2022 farewell, you are being ushered out in the same energetic wave. Capricorn is an earth sign symbolized by the sea goat. A mythical creature that is a half beast, half fish; an animal between worlds. RELATED: How Capricorn Season Affects Each Zodiac Sign’s Love Life Starting December 22, 2022 This theme of the in-between has dominated much of this month and will continue to permeate the remaining days of the year. It is a reminder that while you may feel not done with the old but not yet ready to step into the new, to continue your sacred journey, you need to use your unique resources to navigate the best way possible.     This is the lesson of the sea goat, to neither try to walk nor swim, but instead to discover the best way to move through the chapter you are currently in, to find resolution within the journey instead of feeling stuck in this in-between. Capricorn is a hardworking sign, diligent, resourceful, and able to accomplish anything to find success. It is the energy you need to help ground your dreams and figure out a logical way to make them a reality. It also helps you deal with aspects of the process that may not be as fun but help you set up the most stable foundation for whatever is to come. This New Moon will be occurring at one degree Capricorn. The theme of the New Moon in Capricorn is at the critical one degree, first began last month in November and will extend through March of our new year. The first degree of any zodiac sign represents pioneering energy, beginning something, impatience, excitement, and pursuing your goal at absolutely any cost. The fact that this is a Super New Moon, which means that it will be even closer to earth, means all these feelings, including a deep emotional response, will be a part of this lunation. Also occurring today, Chiron, the wounded healer, turns direct at the same time as the New Moon in Capricorn. Chiron, the asteroid that rules inner healing, has been retrograding since July, but as it finally turns direct, the heavy energies you have been moving through will be lifting. RELATED: Don’t Be So Hard On Yourself: 4 Key Elements Of The Emotional Healing Process Only when you begin to heal what hurts will you be able to move ahead; that is precisely what this Capricorn New Moon will bring. It may come silently, softly, but with a strength that allows you to feel inspired to begin the next chapter of your life, confident that it will not repeat the past.

The three zodiac signs with the best horoscopes for Friday, December 23, 2022

1. Capricorn

(December 22 - January 19) This is a beautiful time of year, Capricorn, as the New Moon occurs within your sign and the return of Mercury and Venus. Most of the month, the planet of communication, Mercury, and the one that governs love, Venus, have been in your sign, helping you to clarify what you are passionate about and then taking steps to embrace more of that within your life. Today’s Capricorn New Moon is a chance for you to create a new beginning around your newfound realizations. You no longer must feel emotionally disconnected to be able to achieve success. Instead, you realize that what drives you internally will also reward you externally. RELATED: How To Identify (And Live With!) The Truest, Most Authentic Version Of Yourself

2. Aries

(March 21 - April 19) You are getting a taste of what some of the major themes of 2023 will hold for you. Just a few days ago, Jupiter entered your sign of Aries, where it will remain for most of next year, helping to bring hope, optimism, and new beginnings to your life. Today, Chiron, the wounded healer, turns directly into your sign helping you to put some pieces of your process together. This may specifically deal with a new career or avenue in your current profession, which will help you feel like you are living your life more according to your truth. But another more personal piece here will have you cutting ties with specific situations and people from your past. As much as this can bring uncomfortable feelings, it is also the realization that when you heal internally, that same energy is brought to your external life. RELATED: Zodiac Signs Who Need Space Vs. The Ones Who Are Attached At The Hip

3. Sagittarius

(November 22 - December 21) Your zodiac season may be over. Still, because your ruling planet, Jupiter, just changed signs into Aries for most of next year, you will feel this New Moon in Capricorn more intensely. Jupiter is the planet of luck, abundance, and the expansion of life. In Aries, it activates the part of your life that rules joy, self-expression, commitment to love and even children. Jupiter in Aries moves ahead at all costs. It severs outgrown soul contracts and moves toward its ultimate destiny with bold hope and optimism. And this is also precisely what you will be feeling during this time. The Capricorn New Moon sets you up for success as it helps you focus on your financial stability for the journey ahead and who and what you value most within your life. Taking this knowledge as you move forward will be critical to enjoying all the abundance Jupiter will bestow upon you. RELATED: 4 Zodiac Signs That Are Good With Money Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. For more of her work, visit her website.