The mother shared her story on Mumsnet, a UK-based internet forum that describes itself as being “by parents for parents,” under the username Sadma.

The woman was hurt when her daughter when prom dress shopping with her stepmom.

The woman says she has been looking forward to dress shopping for her daughter’s prom for a long time now. Her daughter is her only child, so she won’t have a chance like this again. RELATED: Man Wonders If He Is Wrong After Getting Mad At Girlfriend Who Dyed Her Hair ‘Without Telling’ Him “Special days out we had planned for the Easter holidays, having researched and researched colors, styles, hair to match and looking forward to the magical day shopping with my girl, seeing her try on her first formal gowns, have the emotional rite of passage together,” the mother wrote. She then points out how little care the stepmother seemed to put into picking out a good dress. She says the appointment lasted just over an hour and the dress they picked out is from a 2019 sale collection. She also mentions that the stepmother has children of her that she can dress shop with when the time comes. The mother says she “can’t help but feel so upset” about what happened and how that was her only chance to share that experience with her daughter. “That first moment can never happen once it’s happened….. the first glimpse and to see her face trying dream dresses on,” she writes. “The one moment that can’t be recreated let alone replicated now the dress has been bought.” RELATED: Wife Seeks Advice After Husband Keeps Trying To Spend Alone Time With Their Surrogate & Buy Her Extravagant Gifts She adds that if she takes her daughter shopping for another dress, “world war will commence with my daughter in the middle of it.” She says she usually lets things go to keep the peace but doesn’t think she can this time.  She then asks readers if she is being unreasonable in how she reacted.

Commenters were split on if she was being unreasonable or not.

Some agreed with the mom and said they would have felt the same way if it happened to them. “Ah what a s***ty thing for her to do,” one commenter wrote. “I would have been gutted too.” Those who said she was being unreasonable believe that she was too invested in being the one to take her daughter dress shopping. “What a load of overdramatic nonsense, take her yourself and get a new dress, get a refund on the other,” another commenter wrote. Some commenters even suggested that the daughter may have chosen to go with her stepmother because of the pressure her birth mother was putting on her. Hopefully, the mother can find a way to have her special moment with her daughter, and everyone involved can come out of the situation happier. RELATED: Mom Says She And Her Girlfriend Starved & Tortured Her ‘Hated’ Daughters Before Burying Them Jonathan Alfano is a writer who focuses on news and entertainment topics. He majors in journalism at the University of Central Florida with a minor in sports business. Follow him on Twitter.