When you’re able to attract romantic love into your life, a number of things can follow, such as developing stronger emotional connections with the important people already in your life, achieving more success professionally, and creating more happy memories with a consistently positive outlook. If you’re willing to be a little more open-minded to the possibilities of what manifesting true love is all about, then it could definitely be the ticket to start rounding a corner in life and having things go your way. RELATED: How To Manifest Anything You Want Using The 369 Manifestation Method On TikTok Manifestation, in spiritual terms,  can be described in many ways, but in simple terms: it’s the actualization of an emotion or feeling, or something theoretical made real. Manifesting works by visualizing your dreams, thinking positive thoughts, forming encouraging beliefs, being kinder to oneself, using affirmations, and taking action that’s consistent with your thoughts. Manifesting also attracts love if you let it, but you need to truly be ready to let love into your life and to use the law of attraction so you may find others offering a similar electromagnetic vibration, or vibrating at the frequency of love (as it can be referred to in the language of manifestation). This vibration is believed to offer healing properties by those who appreciate the tenets of manifesting. And if you have done the emotional work to be a complete person who still has room in his or her life for love, then, by manifesting, you can use these laws to lure the right kind of romantic love into your life. If you are ready and you want to learn how to manifest true love into your life, follow these five simple steps. RELATED: The Powerful Psychological Trick To To Make Someone Think About You Nonstop

5 ways you can manifest love into your life:

1. Get clear about the exact kind of love you are looking for

What you first need to realize is what kind of love you actually want in your life, whether you’re ready to settle down, date casually or short-term, or have a weekend fling. Just remember: you can only manifest love if you’re ready for it. More often than not, people will want a real, long-term relationship. Consider what the relationship you want will look like and what you are seeking in a life partner. Knowing who you are, what you want, and what kind of love you’re looking for will help you develop your own vibrational match to whatever you wish to see, even if it may not be what you expect. According to Keya Murthy, a clinical hypnotherapist and relationship coach, the law of attraction will help you find someone like you. “You cannot have what you want but you always attract who you are,” she explains. “If you are a loving person you will attract a loving person and together you can enjoy a loving relationship. “The honest question is how aligned are you with all your ideal love with your future partner? Write it down, and take your time to do this,” Murthy suggests. “It might take you a few days or even weeks. Remember to get some you have to give some. Also, every partner is a package — there’s the good and the not good in every human including you. You must be willing to overlook and forgive.” As a complete person already, you need to be okay with this. RELATED: Don’t Settle For Less Than Someone Who Exhibits These 15 Behaviors

2. Stop waiting and believe that you are truly worthy of your best ideal of love — today

According to Love and Cosmic Coach Ronnie Ryan, manifesting starts with believing you can find love and knowing you are deserving of it. “I often talk to clients about how they must know deep within that ‘Love is their DESTINY,’ Sutherland explains, as doing so will help keep you motivated. “When I was on the journey to find love, I naturally encountered many snags and disappointments,” Sutherland shares. “What kept me motivated and active was knowing love was my destiny. There was no other reason for me to be going through everything I did to find love if it wasn’t going to work.” Dream about what kind of love you want and what your ideal person looks like and let yourself fall into that idea — in the here and now — and let yourself become excited about it. You have to also believe the kind of love you are searching for and the type of person you want is out there in the universe ready to find you as well. Don’t feel the need to compromise when visualizing the partner you truly want. Ask yourself: What does your ideal partner look like? What qualities do they have? What type of relationship do you visualize between the two of you? Write it all down. RELATED: The Best Love Spell For Attracting The Perfect Partner

3. Give yourself the kind of love you deserve 

When manifesting love, you have to really embrace self-love and embody the person that has the type of love you’re looking for in life. According to Relationship Coach Marilyn Sutherland, to manifest love, you need to be “living from love.” Conquer your own self-limiting beliefs, like thinking you’re not good enough, or pretty enough, or that you won’t find anyone because you are destined to be alone forever. When you stop tearing yourself down and belittling your hopes, dreams and desires, you set a standard for yourself — the best version of yourself — that will show the rest of the world to treat you by that same standard. “Fear is protecting your heart, being defensive/in protection mode. Living from fear blocks your ability to give love freely and to be an inflow of love,” Sutherland says. “Fear can trigger defensiveness and fear in others and can literally block you from experiencing the love your heart wants.” Conquer the lies you tell yourself so you can love yourself first and feel happy and more open to giving your love to someone else and getting the same in return. “The energy of love is being open-hearted, vulnerable, grateful, and joyful. You easily express love without expectations for anything in return,” Sutherland explains. “Love is in flow — giving and receiving. If you are not in love you are in fear. You know you deserve and don’t have to please. You honor and respect others and choose people who honor and respect you.” RELATED: How To Make Someone Fall In Love With You Using Psychology

4. Radiate loving energy so you can become a magnet for the love you seek

Aligning your actions with your reality is all about taking steps toward achieving your goals and finding your potential partner when they present themselves. They will only present themselves to you if you are willing to keep your eyes open and say yes to potential partners that come your way. Spending time intentionally dating will help you see for yourself if one of the people you date is the specific person you manifested. You also shouldn’t spend too much time seeing a person who you realize doesn’t match the kind of partner that you want. You have to remember to be patient during this time, in addition to being supportive of yourself. Be kind, be encouraging, and be gentle toward yourself. Open yourself up to new possibilities and new types of people you might not ordinarily choose to spend time with, and soon you will find who you are looking for. The right person for you may not be like the person you visualized at all, but they will still be the perfect one for you. “I left no room for failure and held steadfast to my dream. All my other manifesting activities, including creating a vision board, setting my affirmations to music chants, and setting up an altar in my love corner (feng shui) followed from this basic belief that it would all work,” Ryan says. “And it did! I dated 30 men in 15 months to meet the adorable man I’ve been happily married to for 20 years.” According to Sutherland, if you want to attract a healthy partner, your best chance is to practice living in a constant state of love so you will send out love-filled energy to the world around you, making it easier to attract your perfect partner. “The stronger your intention, the more you will be living in love. The people who are not in your energy won’t be attracted to you,” Sutherland says. “For example, partners who want to dominate you using fear won’t be able to control you if you are not living in fear.” RELATED: How To Get Someone To Like You Using 20 Psychology-Based Techniques

5. Believe in manifestation and the love you desire will come — even if it isn’t exactly what you expected

If you end up attracting a different kind of love than you envisioned in the first place, give it time. It might surprise you as it can develop in time into the one that you actually were looking for. “This isn’t just about romance. Living in the energy of love will impact every relationship you have,” explains Sutherland. If you’ve attracted someone you wouldn’t typically date, give it a chance to you see if some of the desires you manifested exist in that person and be open-minded to the belief that your love with him or her could, in fact, be life-changing. When you surrender to love, you’re allowing yourself to let love into your life without judgment or prejudice. This gives you infinitely more opportunities to let the universe surprise you. And you just might meet someone totally unexpected and find your true love. RELATED: How To Manifest Love By Leading With Vulnerability & Your Authentic Self Megan Hatch is a multimedia jounalist and editor who covers news and entertainment, love and relationships, and psychology.