I think a big part of the problem blurring this line is that many people aren’t even quite sure what a healthy relationship looks like these days or how a “good man” (or woman) should act towards their partner. To help clarify, I have put together this list of signs he’s a good man and how this type of guy will act while in a relationship.  RELATED: 10 Signs Of A Good Man You Should Look For In Any Guy You Meet

The definitive signs you have found a good man (and you should hold on to him). 

1. He never lets you forget how much he loves you.

I cannot tell you how many conversations I’ve had with women who tell me that there is no affection in their relationship. The man in their life does not make them feel loved, wanted, or appreciated. This is a profoundly important piece of the puzzle: A good man will always remind you how much you mean to him. I understand men can be less communicative or affectionate than women are, but this does not excuse the severe lack of effort put forth by our generation. If someone truly loves you, you will know it and feel it. If they don’t, you’ll be wondering all the time if they do.

2. He always supports you.

Regardless of whether you want to go back to school after 20 years to get your Master’s degree, start a singing career, or stay at home to raise a family, a good man will always support you and what you want out of your life. He will never discourage you or make you feel as though you can’t do what you set out to do. He will be beside you every step of the way, cheering on your victories and comforting you during your defeats. RELATED: 6 Signs You Don’t Realize You’re Actually In The RIGHT Relationship

3. He inspires you.

This goes one step beyond supporting you, which can be more passive. To inspire someone takes effort both in how one lives their own life as well as encourages others to live theirs. A good man’s drive and ambition will rub off on you as he pursues his own passions.

4. He works to gain your trust.

A good man will want you to be comfortable and confident in your relationship. The very cornerstone of this is being able to trust someone, and he will realize that. Without trust, there is no foundation for love or respect. He will understand that trust is not just handed over to someone — it has to be earned, and then it has to be kept. RELATED: 5 Vital Signs Your Guy Has A Good Heart (And Uses It To Guide Him, Too!)

5. He always makes you feel beautiful.

He will understand that making you feel beautiful does not just mean saying the words to you. It will mean truly making you feel beautiful. In the ways he looks at you, touches you, and treats you. He will notice details when you put effort into your appearance and remind you how attractive he still finds you even when you don’t. A good man will understand that whether you are in your sweatpants on the couch or in your evening gown heading to a gala, when you love someone for who they truly are, everything about them becomes beautiful.

6. He makes you feel safe.

I have always said that I believe one of the best compliments a woman can give a man is telling him that she feels safe around him. Regardless of how attracted she is to you or how funny she thinks you are or how much money you have, if a woman cannot sleep soundly by your side at night, none of it matters. RELATED: 16 Things Women Want Most In A Man

7. He does the little things.

Do you need a prescription filled but have to stay late at work? Did you mention an art exhibit coming to town and he made plans to take you to see it? Regardless of how small certain things seem, he will understand they really are the things that matter most.

8. He never crosses the line.

It’s natural to have disagreements and even arguments in a relationship, but there is no reason to make things personal, become insulting, or become abusive. One of the signs he’s a good man means he will remain calm during disagreements and stay on the topic at hand. RELATED: If He Does These 10 Chivalrous Acts, He’s A True Bonafide GENTLEMAN

9. He’s always trying to improve himself.

Whether it’s learning new things, developing a new skill set, reading a new book or watching a documentary, a good man who prides himself on continuous self-improvement will always be intellectually challenging you and keeping your attention. He will be doing these things for himself, but the added benefit will be the positive impact it has on your relationship.

10. He understands that actions speak louder than words.

Having the right man in your life will make you understand that people who make promises do not deserve your respect. People who keep promises deserve your respect, and he will be one of them. RELATED: 15 Ways Guys Say ‘I Love You’ Without Ever Saying A Word

11. He opens up to you.

It can be difficult for some men to express their emotions, fears, and even inner-most desires, but having the right woman in our life often helps to open those doors. A good man, while understanding, of course, that some things are to be kept private, will not hide things from you or bottle up his feelings knowing it will cause tension and frustration.

12. He’s always honest with you.

When building a foundation for a happy, healthy relationship, a good man will understand that honesty is always the best policy. RELATED: 11 Little Things Men Secretly Adore About The Woman They Love

13. He makes you feel comfortable being honest.

Comfort in a relationship (the good kind, not the kind that makes you stop trying) comes from the ability to be open and honest with your partner and the ability to do this comes from knowing you will never be judged. A good man will encourage you to open up and share your feelings with him. There should never be any fear of him flying off the handle or overreacting if you share something with him. This means being able to be the most genuine, uncensored version of yourself around him.

14. He’s never abusive.

Perhaps the most important point of all. Whether it be mentally, emotionally, or physically, a good man will never even think about being abusive towards you or harmful in any way. If this happens to you, please have the courage and respect for yourself in order to talk to someone or walk away immediately. No good person would ever act like this and it will not get better on its own. RELATED: 10 Things Guys Always Do When They’re In Love (And You Probably Don’t Notice)

15. He stands by you, no matter what.

When a man commits his love and his time to a woman, there are no stipulations or circumstances required. There will be good times and there will be not-so-good times. There will be challenges and unexpected situations that arise. But he will stay by your side and be your teammate through it all. Of course, this does not mean you can disrespect him, lie, or cheat. It does not mean you can betray his trust and expect him to stick around because he promised to commit to you. This point is about things the two of you go through together and him having the integrity needed to not walk away when times get hard. Any man can be by your side on the sunny days. The real test of character is whether or not he will hold the umbrella over you during the stormy days.  And ladies, if the man you are with puts in the effort to be this person for you, please let him know how much you appreciate him. No matter how kind a person is, there is no emptier feeling than giving your heart to someone who you feel takes it for granted. RELATED: 7 Tell-Tale Signs He’s Head-Over-Heels In Love With You James Michael Sama is an internationally recognized speaker, author, and personal development coach. He is a go-to expert on CNN, Bravo, The New York Post, The Huffington Post, The Daily Beast, CNBC, The Boston Globe, CBS, and more. This article was originally published at James M Sama. Reprinted with permission from the author.